Conflict Dramas Interactive DVD 2 - Age, Culture, disability and sexual orientation

Conflict Dramas Interactive DVD Race and Gender This interactive DVD is designed to enable Trainers to explore equality and diversity issues in an exciting and proactive way.

Through four separate, compelling scenarios, the DVD shows typical, every day examples of ageism, cultural difference, disability and sexual orientation.

What makes this DVD really effective is placing these issues where they are actually encountered: in the workplace. The DVD will encourage your training participants to look at equality and diversity from more than one point of view.

By using this DVD, trainers will enable participants to:

  • Explore their views on equality and diversity issues
  • Challenge pre-conceived ideas
  • Increase understanding of the issues raised
  • Discuss and address issues in their own workplace

The aim of this DVD is to provide an opportunity to explore and discuss these issues, whilst at the same time providing a lively and interactive resource for the delivery of equality and diversity training. The dramas are not intended to offer specific answers but to encourage users to consider a number of arguments and points of view.

The DVD is supported by a Comprehensive Trainer's Guide, which also deals with What the Law says on the issues, together with Good Practice for Businesses.

More information

This DVD is one of two in the Conflict Drama series.

Conflict Drama DVD 1 explores Race and Gender.
Click here to view.


Conflict Drama DVD 1: (Race, Gender) :- £125

Conflict Drama DVD 2: (Age, Cultural Difference, Disability and Sexual Orientation.) :- £125.00

Set of two DVDs :- £200.00

Click here to order

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