Our video clip library has over 100 dramatised scenarios lets you 'pick and mix' individual clips to add impact to your in-house e-learning and presentations. Our video-based training courses provide a powerful and effective way to build core skills in a face-to-face group environment.

Developing Leadership

Developing Leadership: equips new and established managers with the skills they need to lead and inspire their teams

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Age:This video provides guidance on best practice in the workplace and emphasises the value of an age-diverse workforce.

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Fair Recruitment

Fair Recruitment: 8 powerful scenarios that consider the potential for bias and discrimination in the recruitment process

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Challenging Behaviour

Challenging Behaviour: aims to help you limit the damage caused to your organisation by bullying and harassment.

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Gender Matters

Gender Matters: This video provides guidance on best practice and emphasises the value of a gender-inclusive workplace.

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Relating to your Customers

Relating to your Customers: shows the impact of poor service & offers techniques to deliver excellent customer service

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Diversity Challenge

The Diversity Challenge: aims to help staff challenge prejudices about race, age, disability and other ways in which we differ

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Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal: fresh insight into transforming performance reviews into positive and productive experiences.

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Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments: DVD demonstrates the benefits of effective EIAs using dramatised scenarios

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Disability Confident

Disability Confident: shows the practical steps needed to serve disabled customers and work with disabled colleagues & staff

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Religion and Belief

Religion and Belief: demonstrates how your organisation can enable people of different beliefs to work together in harmony

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Under Pressure

Under Pressure: will help staff identify the early signs of stress and how to handle the inevitable pressures of the workplace

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Maternity and Paternity

Maternity and Paternity: information and guidance on managing parents-to-be and new parents in the workplace.

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Social Media in the Workplace

Social Media: examines the challenges and risks that social media and social networking tools pose for employers

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Race - Creating an inclusive workplace: provides guidance on best practice and the value of an inclusive workplace

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Valuing Diversity in Teams

Valuing Diversity in Teams: introduces you to a range of styles and behaviours, making best use of everyone's contribution.

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Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation - Respecting lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the workplace

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Understanding Bias

Understanding Bias:provides the user with an in-depth understanding of the nature of bias and how this impacts on the workplace

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Working Effectively with the Equality Act

This video gives an overview of the Protected Characteristics and examines the seven types of discrimination covered under the Act

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