Our catalogue of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion off-the-shelf e-learning courses is the most comprehensive of its kind. Explore the links below for course information, to download factsheets and for demo sections. Then call or email for your FREE full preview.

Developing Leadership

Developing Leadership: equips new and established managers with the skills they need to lead and inspire their teams

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Age:This video provides guidance on best practice in the workplace and emphasises the value of an age-diverse workforce.

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Challenging Behaviour

Challenging Behaviour: aims to help you limit the damage caused to your organisation by bullying and harassment.

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Gender Matters

Gender Matters: This video provides guidance on best practice and emphasises the value of a gender-inclusive workplace.

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Relating to Customers

Relating to your Customers: shows the impact of poor service & offers techniques to deliver excellent customer service

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Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal: fresh insight into transforming performance reviews into positive and productive experiences.

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Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments: DVD demonstrates the benefits of effective EIAs using dramatised scenarios

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Disability Confident

Disability Confident: shows the practical steps needed to serve disabled customers and work with disabled colleagues & staff

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Religion and Belief

Religion and Belief: demonstrates how your organisation can enable people of different beliefs to work together in harmony

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Under Pressure

Under Pressure: will help staff identify the early signs of stress and how to handle the inevitable pressures of the workplace

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Maternity and Paternity

Maternity and Paternity: information and guidance on managing parents-to-be and new parents in the workplace.

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Social Media in the Workplace

Social Media: examines the challenges and risks that social media and social networking tools pose for employers

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Race - Creating an inclusive workplace: provides guidance on best practice and the value of an inclusive workplace

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Valuing Diversity in Teams

Valuing Diversity in Teams: introduces you to a range of styles and behaviours, making best use of everyone's contribution.

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The Diversity Challenge

The Diversity Challenge:Diversity is about celebrating difference, and valuing and respecting everyone in the workplace

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Equality Essentials

Equality Essentials:Equality means different things to different people and is can be confused with added business burdens

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Get That Job

Get That Job: This programme will teach your outgoing employees how to identify their key skills and match them to a suitable job

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It's About Time

It's About Time: How we can make the very best use of time, and maximise our productivity

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The Resilient Mindset

Building a resilient workforce provides the strong foundation required to ensure your business goals are achieved

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Your Next Step

Your Next Step: this programme provides your key staff with guidance on how to make the most of internal promotion opportunities.

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The Inclusive Workplace

The complete training solution for working effectively with EA2010 and challenging inappropriate behaviour in the workplace

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Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation:Course focussed on respecting lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the workplace

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Understanding Bias

Understanding Bias:provides the user with an in-depth understanding of the nature of bias and how this impacts on the workplace

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The Write Way

The Write Way: examines how to avoid common writing pitfalls and produce well-written communications

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Assert Yourself

Assert yourself: shows staff how to express themselves in a direct and coherent manner that is also respectful of others

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