These two resources make up the Conflict Dramas series. They help learners explore gender and racial inclusion issues as well as other equality strands from a range of perspectives and use problem solving skills to attempt to resolve dilemmas

Using interactive menus to produce a unique drama-based game, this cleverly constructed product can be used by all age groups and anyone interested in challenging stereotyping. All scenarios are presented by actors and each one is based on a real-life case study.

DVD 1 - Race and Gender

DVD 1 - Race and Gender
This innovative and fully interactive DVD features three dramas, each one tackling a different conflict arising from gender and racial stereotyping.

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Age, Culture, Disability, Sexual Orientation dvd training resource

DVD 2 - Age, Culture, Disability, Sexual Orientation

DVD 2 - Age, Culture, Disability, Sexual Orientation
Through four separate, compelling scenarios, the DVD shows typical, every day examples of ageism, cultural difference, disability and sexual orientation.

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