Working effectively with the Equality Act

Available on DVD, this new resource features 20 powerful scenarios, which illustrate key aspects of the Equality Act 2010.

The video scenarios and trainer notes provide a comprehensive and flexible training toolkit for ensuring that your staff understand the legal obligations of the Equality Act and reap the benefits of contributing to an inclusive workplace.

How this course will benefit your organisation

An introductory sequence gives an overview of the Protected Characteristics and examines the seven types of discrimination covered under the Act. It explains how, in addition to our legal obligation, we all have a moral responsibility to make sure we behave in a way that does not create an intimidating, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the people around us.

The resource contains a further 19 dramatised scenarios and expert analyses themed around each of the Protected Characteristics. These sequences demonstrate how to effectively recognise and challenge offensive or inappropriate behaviour.


Please contact us if you would like more information on how to order video clips and DVDs.

Videos Available

Working effectively with the Equality Act

equality act 2010 training dvd video

How to eliminate prejudice in your organisations

This video introduces the learner to all issues around equality that arise at work.

Suitable for people in every type of job, in every type of organisation, it has been developed to help staff at all levels, including foundation level employees, operational managers and staff, HR managers and trainers and senior executives.

Learning Outcomes

Through the training materials provided in this resource, your staff will develop a good understanding of the Equality Act and the following key themes:

  • The business benefits of an inclusive workplace
  • How to recognise and challenge inappropriate behaviour
  • How to provide an inclusive and accessible customer service

Please contact us if you would like more information on how to order DVDs or video clips.

Video Clip Library

Our video clip library of over 140 training scenarios covering equality, diversity and inclusion, bullying and harassment, personal performance and well-being and workplace skills, lets you 'pick and mix' individual clips to add impact to your in-house e-learning and presentations.

Access our extensive catalogue of powerful drama-based video scenarios, documentary case studies, real-life testimony and expert analysis to enhance your in-house e-learning, presentations and training workshops.

Our clips can be delivered in a format to suit all computers, networks and mobile devices.

These video clips go hand in hand with our video-based training courses to provide a powerful and effective way to build core skills in a face-to-face group environment. All courses include

  • Drama trigger scenes
  • Expert commentary and analysis
  • Personal testimony
  • Structured discussion and reflection points to consolidate key learning points
  • Customisation available to suit your needs
  • Full trainer notes
Contact us for more information

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