'Age: Realising the benefits of an age diverse workforce' will enable your staff to have a better understanding of:

  • Employers' and employees' responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Why age is a key aspect of diversity.
  • Why it is misleading, unreasonable and unlawful to make assumptions about people's abilities based on age alone.
  • How an 'age-balanced' workforce can give your organisation a healthy combination of fresh thinking, new ideas, stability and Experience.
  • How to create the right atmosphere so your organisation can reap the benefits of a mixed age workforce.
  • What actually constitutes harassment on the grounds of age
  • Age laws designed to protect employees throughout their working lives

Please contact us if you would like more information on how to order video clips.

Videos Available

Realising the benefits of an age-diverse workforce

age discrimination dvd video resources

Take George, who was made redundant in his 50s and wanted a less stressful job closer to home, but found it difficult to be taken seriously in interviews.

Many people make assumptions and have misconceptions about people like George, which have nothing to do with George, himself, and everything to do with his age. Would your staff be able to look beyond this prejudice and see George, the individual?

The Equality Act 2010 makes it illegal to discriminate against employees, job seekers or trainees on the grounds of age. More and more organisations are reaping the business rewards of a mixed-age workforce. Make sure yours is one of them.

Developed in partnership with The Employer's Forum on Age (EFA), this solution provides guidance on best practice in the workplace and emphasises the value of an age-diverse workforce.

Please contact us if you would like more information on how to order video clips.

Video Clip Library

Our video clip library of over 140 training scenarios covering equality, diversity and inclusion, bullying and harassment, personal performance and well-being and workplace skills, lets you 'pick and mix' individual clips to add impact to your in-house e-learning and presentations.

Access our extensive catalogue of powerful drama-based video scenarios, documentary case studies, real-life testimony and expert analysis to enhance your in-house e-learning, presentations and training workshops.

Our clips can be delivered in a format to suit all computers, networks and mobile devices.

These video clips go hand in hand with our video-based training courses to provide a powerful and effective way to build core skills in a face-to-face group environment. All courses include

  • Drama trigger scenes
  • Expert commentary and analysis
  • Personal testimony
  • Structured discussion and reflection points to consolidate key learning points
  • Customisation available to suit your needs
  • Full trainer notes
Contact us for more information

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